Is ULTRASOL™ Curcumin able to effectively treat prostatic inflammation?

Is ULTRASOL™ Curcumin able to effectively treat prostatic inflammation? An in vitro study to assess bio-availability and anti-inflammatory activity of a new curcumin formulation.

Running Title
ULTRASOL™ Curcumin for the treatment of prostatic inflammation

Authors’ name and degrees
Angelo Naselli§, Erik Tedescoǂ, Federico Benettiǂ, Paolo Puppo*

§Urology Department, Ospedale San Giuseppe, Gruppo Multimedica, Milan, Italy

*Urology Department, Istituti Clinici di Pavia e Vigevano – Gruppo San Donato, Pavia, Italy

ǂECSIN-European Center for the Sustainable Impact of Nanotechnology, ECAMRICERT SRL, Rovigo, Italy

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